021 770 0039


Dr. Rainhard van Zyl is an AOA fellowship trained and recognised surgeon specialising in orthopaedic trauma and adult hip and knee surgery.

Comprehensive Orthopaedic Care with Dr. Rainhard van Zyl

Welcome to the practice of Dr. Rainhard van Zyl, where our commitment extends beyond specialised care in hip, knee, and trauma services to encompass the full spectrum of general orthopaedic conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, and much more. Our mission is to enhance your health and mobility through personalised, comprehensive care.

Broad Spectrum Orthopaedic Services

Dr. Rainhard van Zyl is proud to offer a wide range of orthopaedic services that go beyond the specifics of hip, knee, and trauma related treatments. Understanding the diverse needs of our patients, our practice is equipped to address a variety of general orthopaedic conditions, ensuring that you receive the precise care you need for a swift and effective recovery.

Our General Orthopaedic Services Include:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Offering both non-surgical and surgical options to relieve the pain and restore function to your wrists and hands.
  • Shoulder Disorders: From rotator cuff injuries to arthritis, we provide expert care aimed at enhancing mobility and reducing discomfort.
  • Foot and Ankle Injuries: Tailored treatment plans to address a range of conditions, ensuring you get back on your feet with confidence.
  • Sports Injuries: Comprehensive care for athletes of all levels, aiming for optimal recovery and performance enhancement.
  • Arthritis Management: Innovative and effective strategies to manage joint pain and improve quality of life.

Why Choose Dr. Rainhard van Zyl?

  • Expertise Across the Board: Dr. van Zyl's extensive experience in Orthopaedics includes a wide array of conditions beyond his specialised areas, offering you expert care regardless of your orthopaedic needs.
  • Personalised Care Plans: Understanding that each patient’s condition is unique, we provide tailored treatment plans designed to meet your individual needs and goals.
  • State-of-the-Art Treatments: Utilising the latest advancements in orthopaedic medicine, we’re committed to offering the most effective treatment options available.
  • Holistic Approach: We believe in treating the person, not just the condition, integrating all aspects of your health into your care plan for a comprehensive recovery.

Embark on Your Path to Recovery

With Dr. Rainhard van Zyl, you’re not limited to specialised orthopaedic care. Our general orthopaedic services cater to a wide range of conditions, ensuring that whether you’re suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or seeking relief from shoulder pain, you’re in expert hands.

Contact us today to discover how we can help you regain your mobility and lead a pain-free life.



Louis Leipoldt Hospital

Emergency Department 021 957 6000 / 086 155 5511